Children’s Health & Wellbeing

Children's Health & Wellbeing
It's important that parents as well as children develop trust and rapport with their doctor we try to ensure that your child continues their care with the same doctor at our practice. Our practitioners are able to manage all common childhood health issues. They can provide nutritional advice assessment of growth and development.

Children's Health and Well-being Services Include the Following

  • 6 week baby health checks: During your six-week baby health check, your baby will have several tests and a full physical examination.
  • Asthma Management: Children with asthma should have their own written asthma action plan to reduce the rate of visits to acute care facilities, school days missed and night-time waking and improves symptoms

  • Allergy management: Allergies happen when your child’s immune system reacts to an allergen.
  • Childhood Immunisations:  The National Immunisation Program Schedule ensures your child is immunised to prevent illnesses such as chickenpox, whooping cough, hepatitis B, tetanus, diphtheria and influenza.